Trial History
In 1989 we were part of the research community involved in
discovery of the APC gene. Spelling mistakes in this gene can
run in families and cause Familial Adenomatous Polyposis or
FAP. Carriers of these faulty genes develop hundreds of
polyps, little lumps, in the lining of the bowel during their
teens. This can lead to cancer developing at a young
age. To prevent this, an operation is offered when they reach
adulthood, to take out the colon. We began to think about
different ways to treat gene carriers to prevent these polyps
developing or at least slow the process down. This would be
important for the families affected and for the rest of the
population because it had just been shown that the APC gene is also
faulty in most of the colon cancers which develop in the general
population. The difference is that in FAP, every cell starts
with one faulty copy and only needs to make one mistake to develop
into a polyp. In most people, the same cell must pick up two
copying mistakes to start to develop into a cancer so it happens
much later in life. We suggested that if we could slow down polyp
formation in young people with FAP, it would probably be helpful to
the rest of us too.
The European Union had started to offer grants to help European
research groups interact. These grants were called Concerted
Actions so we called the new programme
Concerted Action Polyposis Preventionor or
CAPP for short.
The project started in 1993. At the end of that year, our
international research community discovered that many families with
inherited patterns of cancer where there were only occasional
polyps had problems with their mismatch repair genes. At the
time we called this disorder hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Cancer
or HNPCC. We now prefer the term Lynch syndrome, partly
because it was soon obvious that there were other cancers,
particularly of the womb in women who carried a faulty mismatch
repair gene.
So we started planning a new project. The prevention study
in FAPP became CAPP1 and the new project would be
called CAPP2 (CAPP2
Protocol). We wrote another successful grant to
Europe under or new title
Concerted Action Polyp Prevention
The new grant ran from 1996 to 1999 when recruitment to CAPP2
began. By this stage we were applying for funds to our
national cancer and general medical research charities so we
decided to change the name again but continue to call it the CAPP
programme. The letters were then used to stand for
Colorectal Adenoma/carcinoma Prevention Programme
On the 28th October 2011 the main result of CAPP2
trial showed that aspirin reduced the risk of colorectal cancer in
people with Lynch syndrome. It also reduced the number of other
cancers such as cancer of the womb. A new trial will explore
whether a small dose of aspirin is as effective as the bigger dose
used in CAPP2. The new trial will be called CAPP3.
Other studies under our banner are also under development. We
are looking for funds to investigate prevention of cancer in
inflammatory bowel disease and in the general population where
there is a family history of cancer but the faulty gene is not
known. To make CAPP relevant to all these new projects the
name will change again, for the last time. From now on CaPP
stands for Cancer Prevention Programme.
InSiGHT stands for International Society for
Gastrointestinal Hereditary Tumours. It was
officially formed in 2003 at a joint meeting of two international
research groups with overlapping interests. The Leeds Castle
Polyposis Group studied people with genetic causes of multiple
bowel polyps, especially Familial Adenomatous polyposis or
FAP. The International Collaborative Group on HNPCC was set
up to help find the genes underlying hereditary forms of cancer
which did not involve the development of lots of polyps.
The first official meeting of the society took place in
Newcastle upon Tyne in 2005 when more than 400 doctors, nurses,
counsellors,research scientists and students gathered to share
ideas over four days. The society now meets every 2
years. In 2007 we met in Yokohama, Japan. In 2009 we
met in Dusseldorf, Germany and in 2011 we met in San Antonio,
Texas. The 2013 meeting will be in Australia.
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